Next Online Shop Restock: Early March 2025

Pots are available for sale through an online shop on this website that is restocked seasonally (offering in-studio pick up and worldwide shipping), and at a handful of in-person art festivals, galleries, and occasionally, an open studio.

See the calendar below for specific dates.


It’s a little early yet, but here’s a tentative look at next year…

-January 15-Impromptu mini-restock

-March (tbd)- Spring online shop restock

-June 13-15 Edmonds Art Festival, WA

-June 20-22- festival in Lake Oswego, OR (pending acceptance)

-June (late)- Summer online shop restock

-August 30, 31, 1 September-festival in Portland, OR (pending acceptance)

-September 27,28-festival in Corvallis, OR (pending acceptance)

-October (early)-Fall online shop restock

-December 7 & 8- festival in Hillsboro, OR (pending acceptance)

-Dec (mid)-Winter online shop restock


Artist Bio: LULA Pottery is Carisa Miller and a flock of chickens in a backyard garden pottery studio in Portland, Oregon U.S. since November 2018. 

Carisa’s work is minimal, prioritizing form, predominately functional, with a side quest in more purely aesthetic pursuits.

The lines of functional ware are clean, and surface decoration scant, utilizing dark stoneware under neutral tones of glazes formulated in-house. The pots are meant to blend into their surroundings as quietly beautiful, intimate and essential companions.

Smoke fire work is art on art, sculptural forms as canvas to a display of fire play. These pieces are entire worlds all their own.


Photos and videos of potter (chickens, and now a backyard squirrel) in action are rampant and strangely popular on Instagram and are accompanied by a good bit of observational humor.

Instagram preview

An organized brain dump audio series for sharing how I think, live, work, study and practice.

Personally revealing with the intention to relate, provoke thought, and encourage depth.

I talk about such things as my approaches to learning, share my favorite teachers and texts, how being on the spectrum influences everything about me and my work, skill versus talent, the fundamentals of form and design, developing technique, honing a critical eye, honest self assessment, working within a cycle of time, seasons, energy, effort, compensation, building a body of work, cohesion in presentation, and examine the multitude of components required to make a single artist an entire business.

LULA POTTERY for your ears - YouTube Podcast

Functional ware

Glazes are formulated in-house

and fired in an electric kiln.

Plover- Matte, moderately-opaque, cool white over black stoneware. The organic movement of the glaze during application alludes to the black clay underneath, especially along rims, somewhat mimicking an atmospheric firing. The texture is less satiny that the other two finishes, more stone like

Pipit- Warm gray, semi-translucent satin-matte. Somehow the coziest of the finishes, if there is a way that makes sense, the glaze movement and dark stoneware make an electric oxidation firing more resemble a wood or gas firing. Edges and rims often appear “toasted.”

Ink- The most uniform of the three glazes, developed from a different base. A satin-matte finish over black stoneware with some movement, the most translucent of the three. glazes. Recently reworked for a truer black.

Smoke FireD pots

Lit aflame in the studio yard among organic materials collected from the LULA chickens and garden.

Thrown in a light porcelain stoneware combined clay and fired once in the studio kiln, draped in organic material from the chicken coop: wood shavings, droppings, errant feathers, grain and seeds, clippings from the garden, and the occassional metal filings, tucked into individual pouches of aluminum then fired in the studio yard pit where the combustibles ignite to create layers and depth, marking and masking in turn, smoke penetrating bare clay leaving abstract impressions and manifesting a galaxy in a single pot.

$5 of every LULA Pottery purchase of $35 and over goes directly to the World Central Kitchen providing emergency food relief to populations in crisis.

Since November 2024, your combined LULA purchasing power has contributed $1,990 to the World Central Kitchen

In addition, since opening in November 2018, you’ve raised $3,600 for the Natural Resources Defense Council $410 for the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services $1,080 for the International Rescue Committee $1250 for Planned Parenthood and the National Network of Abortion Funds through raffle-to-win-pottery and portion of sales fundraiser events.

That’s $8,330 of combined giving as of January 2025.

Thank you
